Custom Builders & Remodelers Council

The Custom Builders & Remodelers Council is dedicated to the specific needs, issues and education of the remodeling industry and related industry specialists. The Council provides access to valuable policies, practices and education to support quality building practices as well as networking, education opportunities and included membership in the National Association of Home Builders Remodelers Council.

Want to join the Custom Builders & Remodelers Council?

For an individual to join a council, your affiliated company must be an active member



These are the responsibilities and obligations inherent providing professional remodeling services.

CONDUCT business operations in a manner that will reflect credit upon the company, the Remodelers Council and the remodeling industry.

COMPLY both in spirit and letter with rules and regulations prescribed by law and governing agencies for health, safety, and welfare of the community.

DESCRIBE accurately and honestly the price, materials, and standards of workmanship used in the job.

USE only materials and products equal to or exceeding the quality of those specified in the contract.

START the construction process as soon as feasible upon award of the contract and proceed diligently to completion of the project without unnecessary delays.

COOPERATE with the Remodelers Council in responding to complaints against the company or other council members.


Custom Builders & Remodelers Council Events