Professional Women in Building Council


GAHBA Staff Liaison:

Hannah Wexler | 678-775-1448


The Professional Women in Building Council (PWB) brings together the power of professional women and creates opportunities to build success. PWB members work in all aspects of the building industry: owners, builders, developers, remodelers, architects, suppliers, marketing experts, designers, finance and real estate. PWB is the voice of women in the industry, dedicated to promoting industry professionalism and supporting members at the local, state and national levels by offering networking and educational opportunities, legislative awareness and outreach and professional and personal development.

Interested in PWB Sponsorship? Download the form here

Want to join Professional Women in Building Council?

For an individual to join a council, your affiliated company must be an active member



Scholarship Fund & Application

Click here to learn more and donate.
Click here to apply for the scholarship fund as a student.


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Interested in sponsorship? Learn more here