The Three D’s of Community Associations - 3 bldr credits
Event Details
Developer - Directors - Documents
The Three D’s is a comprehensive class for developers and builders about the creation and operation of community associations.
Students will learn the similarities and differences between HOAs and POAs and how to determine which is the right choice for a particular circumstance. Students also will identify specific criteria to use to determine if a project should be created as a condominium and not an HOA or POA. Students will learn what the “concerned owners” look for during the transition process from a developer-controlled board to an owner-elected board and what steps the declarant can take to smoothly turnover the association with as much protection and as little liability as possible. In this class students will be able to list and describe the duties and obligations and the powers and rights of the directors and officers of the corporation. They will explore and understand the inherent conflicts of interest that exist during the declarant control period and identify strategies to avoid and/or limit such conflicts of interest. Finally, students will be able to distinguish what types of provisions appear in a declaration of covenants, the bylaws, and the articles of incorporation and how to create best practices so such legal documents are available to potential buyers and their agents.
Presented by Atlanta Community Services.
Facilitated by Jamie Platt Lyons and Christine Lee Khano of Lazega & Johanson.
This session qualifies under the rules of the Georgia State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors for three (3) continuing education credit hours.
CREDIT NOTE: Any session which qualifies for credit hours under the rules of the Georgia State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors or Georgia Real Estate credit requires the participant to attend the FULL session in order to receive credit. The participant is required to sign in and sign out. Failure to sign in and sign out will result in zero credit hours.
A 48-hour written notice is required for ALL cancellations -- NO REFUNDS FOR NO-SHOWS
Contact Valerie Braverman, Education Director, for questions or assistance (
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