2025 GAHBA Boys and Girls Club Program Sessions 6 and 7
The last two sessions of our Boys and Girls Program with the A. Worley Brown club in Norcross have been action-packed!
Session 6 brought some GAHBA trade members into our classroom to teach the students about MEPs (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing).
First, the students assisted Michael Edwards of Edwards Heating and Air by putting an HVAC system into our mock wall.
Next, Piedmont Residential assisted us with the plumbing portion, and the students got to do a few hands-on activities that illustrated how the pipes are fit and installed into the wall.
Lastly, Kyle McQueen of McQueen Electric taught the students about the electrical component of our wall with another hands-on activity.
These three trades helped demonstrate to the students how so many different companies have to work together, one after another, to make the home-building process as easy and efficient as possible.
Thank you to them for coming out and joining us!
Session 7 was much like the first, as we had two more trades come in and show the students even more sides to the home-building process.
First, SEI Group taught the students about insulation and the role that it plays for a homeowner. The students got to seal the wall as well as install the insulation before moving on to the exterior of the house.
Next, representatives from North Georgia Brick and Solerac taught the students about material sales and masonry.
The students worked on installing brick on the exterior of the wall, and it is looking beautiful.
Thank you to all of the members who came in over the last few weeks. We are lucky to have people who are dedicated to showing the next generation all that the home-building industry has to offer!